For 2016- 2018 the fees and payment schedules for PGP are as follows:
Mess Charges
* Will be deducted from Caution deposit# After adjusting the commitment fee of Rs. 50,000/- @ To be charged Actuals
To Pay First Year / Second Year Fee Click here
Details will be provided to accepted students concerning the various payment methods that can be used.
IIM Udaipur endeavors to ensure that no student is deprived of education at the Institute for financial reasons. Therefore, IIMU extends financial assistance to students who have a pressing financial need.
Students whose annual household income is below Rs. 4,50,000 are eligible to apply. Other students may also apply if they can demonstrate severe financial difficulties.
Financial assistance is granted in the form of tuition waivers; the amount is determined depending on the assessment of the student's need.
Students who are interested in applying for financial assistance are required to fill in the Financial Assistance Application Form and submit it on registration day i.e. June 19, 2016.
To download the Financial Assistance Form Click Here
Many of the major banks in India provide funding to cover most of the tuition and program expenses for PGP students at IIMs. Details concerning rates of interest and other loan conditions should be confirmed directly with the banks.