


Prefiguring Alternative Organizing: Confronting marginalization through projective cultural adjustment and tempered autonomy

Prefiguring Alternative Organizing: Confronting marginalization through projective cultural adjustment and tempered autonomy

Headline: Prof. Pradeep Kumar Hota's Research Paper titled "Prefiguring Alternative Organizing: Confronting marginalization through projective cultural adjustment and tempered autonomy" has been accepted for publication in the Journal: Organization Studies. Organization studies is a part of the prestigious FT50 list of journals and is also categorized as A* by ABDC and 4 by ABS.

This paper explores community collectives as a counterpoint to traditional efficiency-focused economic models. Using the prefigurative organizing framework, we investigate how these collectives address internal and external marginalization, envisioning inclusive futures. Two key themes emerge: projective cultural adjustment (embrace or break from tradition) and tempered autonomy (negotiate and leverage autonomy judiciously). These themes manifest in self-governance, commoning, and discursive spaces. The paper underscores that addressing internal marginalization involves breaking from discriminatory practices, while external marginalization necessitates building upon the past. Prefigurative organizing entails selective engagement against dominant power structures within or external to communities, with exit not always feasible. The findings have implications for alternative organizing and addressing grand challenges.

CO Author: Babita Bhatt, Israr Qureshi, Dhirendra Mani Shukla

Journal: Organization Studies

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